チャーチルMK VII のバックアップ(No.9)
ビークル一覧(クリックで展開) ■戦車 ■航空機
イギリス軍は、この型のチャーチル戦車をノルマンティーで初めて使用した。厚い装甲と75mm砲により戦場で大いに活躍し、「ヘビーチャーチル」の名で呼ばれることもあった。 専門技能
詳細については専門技能参照。 特徴、アドバイス、補足
英語版Wikipediaより。 Churchill Mk VII (A22F) (1,600 produced, together with Mark VIII) The second major redesign from previous models, the VII used the 75mm gun, was wider, and carried much more armour, 50% thicker at the front than a Tiger I, giving it the ability to withstand massive amounts of punishment.[30] It is sometimes called the Heavy Churchill and was re-designated as the "A42" in 1945. This version of the Churchill first saw service in the Battle of Normandy, and in total served with three Royal Armoured Corps regiments in western Europe, one in Italy and with 7th Royal Tank Regiment in Korea. The Mark VII was designed to be able to be converted into the Crocodile flame-throwing variant without major modification.[30] 実車解説動画(英語音声&EUユーザー向け各国語字幕) コメント
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